Senin, 12 Januari 2009


The world was watching and hoping for a smooth transition between The Bush and Obama Administration in The USA. United Stated Secretary General Ban Ki Moon said at a meeting of 100 environment ministers in Poland reviewing progress toward a new U.N Climate treatery meant to be agreed at the end 2008. Ban called for leadership from U.S President Elect Obama and from The Europion Union. An EU Summit ending on Fraday will try to break deadlock in the block over a plan to cut Greenhouse gas emission by a fifth by 2020 compared to 1990.

The U.N climate panel says global warming from Greenhouse Gases mainly generated from burning fossil fuels will cause more floods, droughts, heat waves and rising seas. The Poznan talks are the halfway mark of a two year PSH to work out a global pact to succeed The Kyoto Protocol. The U.N pact binding 37 nations to reduce emissions by about 5 percent below 1990 levels by 2008-2012.

John Kerry designated head of The U.S Senate Foreign relations committee said Obama would invest heavely in renewable energies and "Green Jobs" to help end the recession. Obama wants to out U.S emissions now running 17 percent above 1990 levels back to those levels by 2020. Bush rejected The Kyoto protocol and his laxer policies would allow U.S emissions to keep rising until 2025.

Developing nations led by China and rusia and India insist that rich nations should first make deep cuts. Detail of a new adaption fund to help poor countries adjust to the impacts of rising seas, droughts, floods and heat waves were among the most contentious remaining issues.

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