Rabu, 24 Desember 2008


Approacing the Christmas and New Years holiday the situation at Kampung Rambutan bus depot is still normal. Even thought there has been an increase in the number of passengers at Kampung Rambutan bus depot. The situation is still normal.

The head of the depot Holil Effendi predicted that there will be a further increase in the number of passengers tonight. Most busses from Kampung Rambutan will transport passengers from Jakarta to a variety of places in West Java such as Bandung, Tasikmalaya and Garut. Holil Effendi also stated that the depot has not needed to add more busses because there has not been a significant increase in passengers.

Meanwhile Yati one of passengers from Kampung Rambutan bus depot stated that she likes to take the bus for this holiday because is economical. And now another news about accident transportation. The national commite for transportation safety K-N-K-T reported that 60 percent of transportation accident are caused by human error and weather only caused about 7 percent of accident in the country.

Head of K-N-K-T Tatang Kurniadi said that in general he number of accidents this year has dropped in comparison to last year. Tatang said thet the investigation task of the commite is to prevent more accident from happening and regain the publics feeling of safety.

Infortunately not all recommendations delivered by the commite are received well by transportation operators. Therefore next years the commitee will form a monitoring team that willreport on the lates follow ups to recommendations given by K-N-K-T

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